New Technology I learned from someone else

 The technology that I learned from someone is Hummingbird Mega 360 imaging. It was brought into the public market in 2019 and has taken over the industry not only in the northern region of the United States, but also in the southern region. This technology revolutionized bass fishing sonar as it was previously known. The brand new technology allows the fisherman to see a full three hundred sixty degree view of what is happening around the boat. Up until this new technology was released, the only way to see what was going on around the boat was with a down sonar or side imaging, which is not nearly as effective as seeing it up on a screen right in front of you. Overall, the basic advantage of having this newer technology available is it allow the angler to be far more efficient in the way that they attack a lake because they are able to see the direction of the structure being displayed. Thus, it allows the angler to be able to hit the mark on the first cast as it is much easier to interpret the length and depth the structure is located at.

 The person that taught me this was my close friend Ryan Rusko, he is a very experienced in turning on Garmin strikers and he knows a lot about the new technology that was released. The learning curve to get a hold of this new technology was not very steep as a basic knowledge of previous technology helped to grasp the concept of what was going on within the unit and what it is displaying.


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