Blog #9

 The invention that I chose I the iPhone. This product was revolutionary in user experience within a smart phone. Apple, is founded on the basis of producing good reliable products for their customers. They built up their early reputation with the invention of the MacBook in 2006. The MacBook proved to be the cornerstone for how apple planned to market their new iPhone to their customers. Originally the first iPhone caught on to consumers and caused them to be early adopters of the product because of how easy it was to operate compared to the other phones that were available in that time. Apple also put up many consumer friendly stores in big cities which eventually spread to thousands of locations all across the United States. However, the iPhone still is not considered the most successful worldwide which would lead one to believe that there are till many doubters of the product or just people that believe there is a better product out there by a different company such as android. There could be many possible reasons for this however, I believe that it is because with many f the iPhones they do not have the fastest or biggest processors as some of their competitors however, it is made up for in the design and convenience of their product. One downside that can be seen in this technology is the danger of always exposing young children to the constant stimulation of a phone screen. This can lead to massive dopamine deficiency in the brain of a developing child when they are not exposed to the constant dopamine hit that being on a phone release into the brain.  


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