
    The issues that were discussed in these videos have affected me my friends and my family in many ways. Recently, my mother had her credit card information leaked from her phone because her information was compromised on the website. Online security is not a new concept or subject of conversation in the public. Throughout tech companies, there is new security that is now built into the new technology as a standard practice. I believe that this can help reduce the number of problems that people tend to encounter with privacy and security when using their devices. The government's involvement in online security is always going to be a hot topic among the public because many people in America would rather run the risk of being hacked by a foreign entity than having the government all in their business being able to see everything. This would be a very fair viewpoint for someone to come from and it is understandable. 
    In order to properly protect ourselves from being hacked online, there are a few simple steps that can be taken to feel safer. The first step would be to always know that the site that you are putting your information into is a safe site and credible. This is the start of how many people can lose information or even their identity because they enter their information into a site that is not fully equipped to protect their information. Another thing that you can do to protect yourself is to buy

a device that already has prior security measures taken. As referenced in the second video, Apple uses a security system that is already built-in and installed into every iPhone and device that they sell.


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