Final Post

 Social media has a very unique relationship with the modern-day child as it allows for constant brain stimulation while also having many unintended consequences that come along with it. Many children can get so wrapped up in social media and the internet that it destroys their whole ability to experience joy and happiness as a result of the constant stimulation provided by social media. 

    A prime example of this is tik tok. This app revolutionized the way I and many others with ADHD view the internet. Every video is in the maximum attention range of five to twenty-five seconds. As a result, someone can be scrolling for hours on end and not even realize it because of how fresh the brain stimulation is with every new video that you swipe onto and look at. After a while you begin to ask yourself the question, "Am I spending too much time and energy on the internet and these different apps?" This is something that I believe many people struggle with because it is so easy to sit on your phone and watch videos all day without having the slightest bit of production going on in your brain. The way that I strive to combat this issue is by setting time limits on apps. The first app I set a limit on is tik tok because I believe that out of all the social media apps, this one is the most addictive. I believe that sometimes when you spend too much time on these apps you can become trapped in a bubble or cycle of thinking that only can be satisfied by the internet and stimulation. In my opinion and from the xperience that I ahve gathered using these devices, I believe that thirty minutes is more than enough time to spend on these types of social media apps because it allows you to not waste yout whole day away on your phone while still being productive. 

    Many risks come along with having this type of access to online apps like Instagram, tik tok, and Facebook where anyone can really say anything about anyone whenever they want. This leads to a spike in suicide rates as a result because of some of the many hurtful things that people can say to one another. The teen depression rate is the main statistic that can be looked at while forming an opinion on social media and its effect on the youth. Overall, people between the ages of 9-30 have the second highest rates of depression at 27%. This should be very alarming as the statistic has kept climbing over the past years and the pandemic definitely did not help the cause for teens. However, this is not to ay that all teen depression comes from social media and internet but it can certanly be considered a factor. 


With all of this being said, I personally do not view technology and the new advancements made within the industry as destructive towords developing children and teens. Technology does allow people to share photos online and create a name for themselves. 


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