Key Post EOTO

     The telephone was invented in 1876 by a man named Alexander Graham Bell. This invention was revolutionary during its time because it allowed people for the first time to be able to communicate with people across the world in an instant and direct way. In terms department of technological advancement in human history, the telephone may have had the greatest influence on the way that we view modern-day society and other cultures. Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 and his family moved to Canada when he was twenty-three years old. When he got there, he worked with many deaf people and developed a great interest in acoustics. He founded his original telephone company in 1877 which was called the, "Bell Phone Company." Since this was the first invention of its kind, it had some issues at the beginning where the voice would be faded and the telephone would need new batteries quite often. The first major breakthrough in his invention was the discovery of using a metal diaphragm to make the sounds transmitted from the phone louder.  The next major advancement after this was the invention of the rotary dial in the early 1900s. This new addition added an element of convenience to the telephone which allowed. This also lead to further innovation down the line with phones and cellular devices as new companies were being formed to specialize in phones and technology production. This lead into many more jobs being opened to the citizens of not only America but in foreign countries. 

    This invention had a great impact on the world and society as we know it for many reasons. The first reason is because it allowed people to be able to communicate with each other from across the world for the first time. Cellular services and phones being created revolutionized everything int eh world as we know it. With the modern generation, this device is something that's in everyones pocket and it the first thing you realize that you forget when you are going somewhere due to the reliance on this device that's been built up and inherently given to the kids that come into this new cellular world. Nowadays it is not uncommon for a kid to receive a phone as early as late elementary school so that they will be able to communicate efficiently with their parents in case of an emergency. 

    However there are some down sides to the new advancements in media. Exposing children to the constant stimulation given by phones and screens too early and too often they can develop a dependence on this technology. This can become a bad thing when the child or adult for that matter could lose some social kids and the ability to communicate with people in real life. Another problem that arises with the advancement in this new technology is the amount of fossil fuels that is put into the atmosphere during production. Although there are some greener ways to produce the technology it will always be the looming consequence to the advancement and mass production of this technology.


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