
Showing posts from June, 2022

Age of AI

Ai is a long talked about topic that is ever-growing day to day and there are some initial pros to this new technology. The first pro to Ai is the reduction of human error in different departments. Since the Ai is driven by a computer, there is less room for a mistake since the whole process is run off of a code. However, there are a few negatives to Ai when it relates to privacy. This is all great and it does save costs on operating certain jobs, however, there is an inevitable transfer of information between the system which leads to privacy concerns. The first issue would be due to data persistence. This means that data will be available for much longer than when it is created which is largely driven by the low storage costs. Another example of something that can go wrong with Ai is data repurposing. This happens when certain data that is stored within Ai gets used for another purpose than it was originally intended to be used for. One last example of a con that can happen with Ai i


     The issues that were discussed in these videos have affected me my friends and my family in many ways. Recently, my mother had her credit card information leaked from her phone because her information was compromised on the website. Online security is not a new concept or subject of conversation in the public. Throughout tech companies, there is new security that is now built into the new technology as a standard practice. I believe that this can help reduce the number of problems that people tend to encounter with privacy and security when using their devices. The government's involvement in online security is always going to be a hot topic among the public because many people in America would rather run the risk of being hacked by a foreign entity than having the government all in their business being able to see everything. This would be a very fair viewpoint for someone to come from and it is understandable.       In order to properly protect ourselves from being hacked on

Blog 6

 After watching these two videos it can be seen that the two perspectives are very anti-war. However, in the mainstream media, there is not much anti-war content that can be seen in the mainstream media. This could be for a couple reasons. The main reason would be the entertainment audience. It is much more entertaining to look at and view stories that have more of a pro-war bias because of how much more content can be produced by looking at the recent events through the lens of someone that is pro-war.  When a news company talks of war, there are so many different avenues that they can go down when discussing the event such as war strategy, economic effects, and much more. Since they are able to produce more content using this, they will ultimately make more money as a result because they will be able to produce more options for the viewer. Moving on to the next point of why it was so hard to find these websites that give an anti-war perspective, this is because all of the media compa

Blog #9

 The invention that I chose I the iPhone. This product was revolutionary in user experience within a smart phone. Apple, is founded on the basis of producing good reliable products for their customers. They built up their early reputation with the invention of the MacBook in 2006. The MacBook proved to be the cornerstone for how apple planned to market their new iPhone to their customers. Originally the first iPhone caught on to consumers and caused them to be early adopters of the product because of how easy it was to operate compared to the other phones that were available in that time. Apple also put up many consumer friendly stores in big cities which eventually spread to thousands of locations all across the United States. However, the iPhone still is not considered the most successful worldwide which would lead one to believe that there are till many doubters of the product or just people that believe there is a better product out there by a different company such as android. The

New Technology I learned from someone else

 The technology that I learned from someone is Hummingbird Mega 360 imaging. It was brought into the public market in 2019 and has taken over the industry not only in the northern region of the United States, but also in the southern region. This technology revolutionized bass fishing sonar as it was previously known. The brand new technology allows the fisherman to see a full three hundred sixty degree view of what is happening around the boat. Up until this new technology was released, the only way to see what was going on around the boat was with a down sonar or side imaging, which is not nearly as effective as seeing it up on a screen right in front of you. Overall, the basic advantage of having this newer technology available is it allow the angler to be far more efficient in the way that they attack a lake because they are able to see the direction of the structure being displayed. Thus, it allows the angler to be able to hit the mark on the first cast as it is much easier to int

Key Post EOTO

       The telephone was invented in 1876 by a man named Alexander Graham Bell. This invention was revolutionary during its time because it allowed people for the first time to be able to communicate with people across the world in an instant and direct way. In terms department of technological advancement in human history, the telephone may have had the greatest influence on the way that we view modern-day society and other cultures. Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 and his family moved to Canada when he was twenty-three years old. When he got there, he worked with many deaf people and developed a great interest in acoustics. He founded his original telephone company in 1877 which was called the, "Bell Phone Company." Since this was the first invention of its kind, it had some issues at the beginning where the voice would be faded and the telephone would need new batteries quite often. The first major breakthrough in his invention was the discovery of using a metal dia

The Supreme Court

 The very first meeting that the Supreme Court ever held was in 1790 at the merchant's exchange building in New York City. The Supreme court basically only changed once in the whole time it has been around since 1869 when it changed to nine total justices as opposed to the previous six that had become the standard for the court. The supreme court is the head judicial branch in government which makes it the most powerful branch when it comes to setting laws and putting them into place. Throughout history, there have been many cases where the supreme court helped make a final ruling. Some of the most notable cases are "Marbury v Madison" as well as "Dred Scott v Stanford." These are just two of the many rulings that the supreme court has put into place. The decisions made by the supreme court over the years greatly impact how our society looks and feels today. 

Top Five News Sources On the rare occasion, I go out of my way to look up the News, this is the source that I use. I do not really look at "News" much it just sort of comes to me on the sites listed down below. Every day, there are constant news updates on what is happening in the modern world. There are so many news accounts on Instagram that provide up-to-date news to users. Tik Tok has become very popular since covid started and people have had so much time to waste on an app like this one. The only problem is that it's addicting and maximizes the effect on dopamine in the younger generation. Just being on tik tok for thirty minutes you will consistently see at least one video from some sort of source about modern-day politics or events. This is a radio show that is my main source of news, before eight am they talk about all the events that are going on throughout the United States. Othe

Eight Values of Free Expression

 After reading about the values of free expression there were many things that stood out to me during the time that I was reading about them. The first one that sticks out is the ability to express yourself and your beliefs freely. As we can see in common day society, there are so many more people speaking out on what they believe in and voicing their core values all over the internet for people to either agree or argue with them. In today's society, it is far more common to see groups of people gather in an area to speak out or protest against something that they do not believe in. One other value that stood out to me was the value of self-fulfillment.  That does not always mean voicing your beliefs but this is the idea that you can create whatever you want for yourself in modern-day America. This belief I believe is the foundation for what America is built upon today. As citizens in the United States, the idea is that you can wake up any morning and just start over and do what yo